
peace lily plant delivery gold coast

What we love about Peace Lily Plants

peace lily plant delivery gold coast

The humble and ever-loved peace-lily, or spathiphyllum, gives you a lot of reasons to like it.

With varieties ranging from small leafed to large, this beautiful houseplant will give back much more in green-leafed-love than the little water it takes to keep it.

These living gifts will survive in light conditions from fairly low light, to bright windows, and they will tolerate some neglect

What we like most however, is that unlike some other plants which might do what we call ‘random spontaneous death’, these spathiphyllums will let you know if they’re really really thirsty, letting their leaves sag a little if they are dry, giving you ample time to notice and remedy the situation well before it is anywhere near to death. An early-warning alarm for plants – totally awesome.

Our stock varies a little, but we usually try to have them in store. Pick up available from Parkwood on the Gold Coast, or we can deliver for you to most local areas.