Gold Coast gift delivery growing plants in pots

New Stock has arrived this week

We are excited to have some new and interesting plants arrive in store this week.

Lovely house plants, specially for indoors or in shady areas outdoors.

Some varieties include –

  • Fittonias which are hardy, and their colour is white and green.
  • Algaonema (say ‘a-glonema’, {kind of like a sneeze, isn’t it? but they don’t look like a sneeze, believe me}), another really hardy indoor plant – in various shades including pink/green variegated.
  • Peperomia, a gorgeous green plant with a red-purple tinge on the edge of the leaves, as well as a variegated one.
  • Syngoniums in pale pink
  • ferns
  • bird’s nest ferns, Asplenium australasicum

We’ll be posting them in the online shop as we get the chance, but feel free to phone or pop in if there’s something there you’d like : )

As usual, these are available for Gold Coast delivery.

Love love

Little Plants.